Early access

Early access

Today was a rollercoaster for myself and the other collaborators on the K8sGPT project. We saw 10,000 page views, 7500 unique visitors, 250 mail subscribers and 100+ github stars in the first 24 hours of the project being open sourced.

We’re still in the early days of this project and we’re looking for help from the community to make this a success. I have been on call most of the day looking to assist with any issues, but luckily it’s been a fairly smooth start - I cannot thank Goreleaser/release-please and brew enough for making this process so easy.

Many folks have already found our Slack community or are talking to me directly via email or Twitter. The excitment I feel and ideas that I am hearing about how they want to introduce this into their workflows is amazing.

I cannot wait for what the next few days hold, but we have no plan to stop here. We’re going to keep building out the tooling and making it easier to use.

If you want to help out, please reach out to me. I’m always happy to chat about this project and how we can make it better.

By Alex Jones